luni, 3 septembrie 2012

Flori speciale / Special flowers

Fie ca le spui trandafiri, lotusi sau conuri de brad aceste decoratiuni din scoici le-am facut cu mare drag. Sunt minunate de pus pe masa sau pe alt obiect de mobilier. Aduc cu ele briza marii, caldura soarelui si frumusetea apei cristaline. Sunt obiectele cele mai potrivite pentru refacere si vindecare dupa o zi grea. E de ajuns sa le privesti si iti aduci aminte de minunatiile pe care le face natura.

You can call them roses, water lilies or fir cone. This decorations made from seashells are made with a lot of love. They can be set beautifully on the furniture and they will bring to you the sea breeze, the heat of the Sun and the beauty of the cristal water. They are perfect for healing and revigoration after a long day. It's great just to look at them and you can remember the wonderfull things that nature does.

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